For the longest time I wanted to play this game, but the price tag was keeping me from buying it. Finally over my Christmas break I bit the bullet and picked it up.
The first play through or so, I had a lot of fun, the problem is, there really isnt that much to do, and often times youll find yourself doing the same things over and over and over.
Also, while the game feels kind of free form, its not really a sandbox style game, at some point youll find yourself being pressured to become a clan, people will start to leave and at some point, unless you become a clan, youll hit a glass wall.
In the end I cant really call it a simulation game because its far too much based on luck and "magic".
After about 4 or 5 play throughs I got sick of the game and dropped it. Not really worth the price tag.
Kuehnau about King of Dragon Pass, v2.3.1